Saturday, November 22, 2008

This is the lovely cake taken by Bila (the Sailor Mum) to the cellebrations, last Sunday, in Lisbon, of the National Day of the Sea!... It says «Marinha do Tejo», meaning «Tagus Navy». I was not able to participate in the Party, as I have been trying to heal a persistent cold!... (I should have abducted or retained the cake... but hélas! I'm still on a diet...)
Click [HERE] to view the album concerning the National Day of the Sea or [HERE] to view all albums related to the Tagus Navy! * Clique [AQUI] para ver o album de fotografias do Dia Nacional do Mar, ou [AQUI], para ver todos os albums de fotografias da Marinha do Tejo!...


SandyCarlson said...

That's a beautiful cake. Thanks for this.

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

LOL! You're welcome!!!

Clube Europeu ESJAL said...

Mums! They always know best!
I would eagerly eat a slice of this charming cake!

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

So would I, but I am not eating sugar. Or potatoes. Or lasanha. Or any goodies whatsoever...

Clube Europeu ESJAL said...

Ok, Sailor girl...
The thing is I will start my diet tomorrow! eheheheheheh

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

Ah ah ah!!! My tomorrow was October 21, 2008!!

Unknown said...

Eu como açucar, venha daí uma fatia!... Lol!

A foto de ontem é de uma das fontes do Rossio.

Gordon said...

That cake is a work of art; beautifully decorated.

Webradio said...

I love Your cake... very nice...
Have a good day !

Rambling Woods said...

Oh..I hope you are feeling better now. Please take care of yourself. Pretty cake..
New Rambling Woods Site

Anonymous said...

Bem...isso está com um aspecto...delicioso!Ok estás de dieta não podes comer mas eu não estou e fiquei com uma vontade de comer uma fatia.Agora vou comprar um bolo porque infelizmente a minha Mum não me faz miminhos desses. Parabens à Bila e à Marinha do Tejo.Bom Fim-de-Semana. :)

Anonymous said...

MOMs (I). A Mom's cake has to be tried, regardless of any diet ! The trick on diets is never eating sugar (fast or slow) and fat containing foods at the same meal, as sugars are used first and will force fat to be stored. It is not simply stop eating sugars at all. Also, there are people who look much better with a few more kilos and with a lovely smile and shiny aura than after a diet when they get the look of a squeezed pallid lemon with frightened eyes. One's immune system needs sugar and high happiness levels to operate properly. Eat the cake next time ! (Norton - Hans Christian)

Norton - Hans Christian said...
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Norton - Hans Christian said...

MOMs (II). What a lovely and caring mother you have that takes interest in the things you like. Mine was called Helena and was beautiful as Helen of Troy. I'm sure she keeps an eye on me and she will be with me to guide me and protect me when I sail around the world in 10 years time God willing.

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful cake and since the 22nd is my birthday I am claiming the cake. I will give you a teeny slice as not to interrupt your diet. MB

Gata Verde said...

E estava saboroso?!!!

;) beijocas