Saturday, May 24, 2008

SAGRES, CREOULA and the daisies

Another beautiful photo by [Sérgio Ferreira], to whom I am so grateful for keeping us updated about the Ships Parade at Funchal and about the Cellebration of the Portuguese Navy Day!... For more recent photos, go to my blog of [CREOULA].


Gata Verde said...

Até dá vontade de navegar...


Gata Verde said...

Até dá vontade de navegar...


Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

Quem me dera lá estar... Estou aqui com o coração em chaga!!! O «nosso» Creoula tão lindo e... tão longe, no Funchal!

Small City Scenes said...

Aren't they gorgeous!! MB