Thursday, May 15, 2008

Tagus Front Strategic Document

Photos by Sailor Girl of some of the unfortunatelly too many signs at some parts of Lisbon's Riverfront, either informing us that we are being watched through a CCTV surveillance equipment, or preventing us to go through or to park near fences. The former are extremelly important. We could be terrorists trying to jump into the water!! The latter prevent us themselves to go near the Riverfront. I hope they shall be banished. Eventually.
The Portuguese Official Journal published today an Act by the Council of Ministers that approves the objectives and main guidelines for the requalification and rehabilitation of Lisbon's Riverfront to which refers the «Tagus Front Strategic Document», also published as an annex.
Foi hoje publicada em Diário da República a Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 78/2008, de 30 de Abril, que aprova os objectivos e as principais linhas de orientação da requalificação e reabilitação da frente ribeirinha de Lisboa inscritos no documento estratégico «Frente Tejo», publicado em anexo. Pode visualizá-la [AQUI].


George Townboy said...

I sense your dislike of the situation! And you know best, so I'm with you!!

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

In fact, I am affraid of the situation... Let's just wait and see...