Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Imagem retirada da página electrónica da [Escola Secundária 2/3 Lima de Freitas - Setúbal]. Image downloaded from the webpage of the referred «Lima de Freitas School», at Setúbal, Portugal.
Celebra-se hoje pelo Mundo inteiro o Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas. É o dia em que se assinala a morte de Luís Vaz de Camões a 10 de Junho de 1580 e é também o Dia Nacional de Portugal. Today we are cellebrating Portugal Day throughout the whole World («Day of Camões, Portugal and the Portuguese Communities»).
Today's image, while being also Take 8 for Anna Carson's [PROJECT BLUE], depicts Luís Vaz de Camões (c. 1517 or 1524–June 10, 1580), considered Portugal's and one of the World's greatest poets. His mastery of verse has been compared to Homer, Virgil, Dante and Shakespeare, the best example being «The Lusíadas». The poem is mainly about the 16th century Portuguese explorations, which brought fame and fortune to Portugal. Camões' poem, considered one of the finest and most important works in Portuguese literature, became a symbol for the greatness of the Portuguese Nation. Camões was an adventurer, lost one eye fighting in Ceuta, wrote the Portuguese epic poem Os Lusíadas while travelling, and survived a shipwreck in Cochinchina (present-day Vietnam). According to popular lore, Camões saved his epic poem by swimming with one arm while keeping the other arm above water. Camões became a national symbol. Yet, in the year of his death, Portugal lost its independence to Spain. Sixty years later, in December 1, 1640, the country regained its independence. Since then, because Camões' date of birth is not known, the date of his death is celebrated as Portugal's national day.
Text by Sailor Girl, with a little help from Wikipedia.


George Townboy said...

Happy Portugal Day!! This is a great post - I always get an education of your blog! Of course, you are highly educated and have no problem passing on your knowledge to others. Thank you! Great Project Blue entry, also!

Flying Solo said...

Amor é fogo que arde sem se ver;
É ferida que dói e não se sente;
É um contentamento descontente;
É dor que desatina sem doer;

É um não querer mais que bem querer;
É solitário andar por entre a gente;
É nunca contentar-se de contente;
É cuidar que se ganha em se perder;

É querer estar preso por vontade;
É servir a quem vence, o vencedor;
É ter com quem nos mata lealdade.

Mas como causar pode seu favor
Nos corações humanos amizade,
Se tão contrário a si é o mesmo Amor?

Luís de Camões

Day4plus said...

Very interesting story. Thank you for telling us. MB

Flying Solo said...

This poem is not from Lusíadas. but is from Camões and I love it!!

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...


George, your comments are hilarious!!! LOOOLLLL

Cocabixinhos, that's one of my favourite poems EVER!! I'll post it soon and, with a little help from you and other friends, we could translate it into english! It is so pretty! Thanks ´for sharing!!!

MB!!! Lovely avatar!!! I must check that blog!!!!


Foi tão mal tratado o nosso Luís Vaz, morreu na maior miséria em Lisboa, segundo consta...