Wednesday, November 26, 2008

ABC Wednesday # 06

«S» is for «SARDINE», more exactly the typical Portuguese Sardine, that we all eat specially during Lisbon's Saints Feasts (organized every year throughout the entire month of June)!!! All images were downloaded from the internet, and I put them all together on the next one! A contribution to Ms. Nesbitt's [ABC Wednesday]!!!...


Jane Hards Photography said...

I love your posts because they are so different. This is really fun, colourful, and personal to your area.

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

Thank you so much, Babooshka! You are too kind!!

Rune Eide said...

I love eating fish, so that must be something for me.

BRW I think I have something that might interest a Silor Girl here...

Small City Scenes said...

I second what Babooshka says. I always enjoy coming to your blog. Interesting, informative and Atlantic Blue!! MB

Thanks for telling me all about Rita and her friends. MB

Anonymous said...

Very nice collage!

It's interesting. I'm very allergic to most fish, but I can - and do - eat sardines. Luckily, I rather like them! Of course, it's easier to buy them tinned than fresh, over here, so it's usually cold in salads or hot on toast with a little vinegar. I'd love to try them fresh, but I'm nervous of buying from fresh fish counters where they've been in contact with fish which could kill me!

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

YOU ARE ALL TOO KIND! I will soon visit you!!! See you then!!!!

Norton - Hans Christian said...

This post is fantastic. I was going to you use an example in a lecture on pattern recognition at an important pharma company, and I though using fish and their size/shape attributes to describe, when I just bumped in this post. FANTASTIC - made my life easier. Thanks

peppylady (Dora) said...

An artistic look at sardines.
Anyhow I like sardines on crackers and cheese.

Coffee is on.

Anonymous said...

I agree, your posts are always colorful and cheerful..I enjoy them..

Anonymous said...

Muito original e colorido.

Bear Naked said...

A super post and pictures for ABC Wednesday letter S.
On behalf of Denise and the ABC team thank you for contributing.

Bear((( )))

bitingmidge said...

Another great post Sailor Girl!

Sunshine Coast Daily - Australia

Unknown said...

'Olha a bela da sardinha!' :-)

Giríssima 'homenagem'! Parabéns, gostei mesmo!

Dragonstar said...

I love some of those designs - and I like sardines!