Lovely Rita
Atlantic Blue. A blog with the scent of the sea breeze and the freshness of the Atlantic Ocean. A place where Dreams are linked to reality, where Happiness is formed like the waves on the Sea, according to the tides and the Moon... ATLÂNTICO AZUL, ONDE O MAR É MAIS LUSITANO. Um blogue com o cheiro da maresia e a frescura do Atlântico. Um espaço em que o sonho se funde com a realidade, em que a Felicidade se forma como as ondas do Oceano. Ao sabor das marés e da Lua.
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Rita is indeed very lovely as is the cat pictured with her. Very regal. AND who is the dog in the background? Sweet. MB
Hi, MB! Rita is one of six cats living with a waterdog in the photos! Rita thinks she is a Panther and the leader of all animals at home. The Waterdog runs away from her!! She beats every cat in the house except for the other kitten in the photos. The kitten learned a lot from her and thinks it is correct to hit the other animals, specially Rita, who gets really confused!!! This set of photos were hilarious for me, I just coulnd't stop shooting the hilarious scene, specially when the kitten came around her and actually hit her!!! That's why Rita then got inside the bag!!! LOOOOLLL!!!
Adnda: Rita is so special she even immitates human beings. She talks and all! She screams «Pai!!!!» («Daddy», in english), immitating her owner's daughter when calling the father! LOOOLLL!!!!
Dear Sailor Girl,
I am very proud of your blog now that I am featured in it. I must say that now at last, Atlântico Azul is second to none. I'm happy to let you have such glory...
Lots of love
Rita, the super cat
Rita reminds me of my former pet, Rainbow. She looks so adorable!
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