Monday, November 24, 2008

Odd Shots Monday # 05

(Photo by Sailor Girl)
I found Rita inside a spanish plastic bag and found it quite odd indeed!... This was one of the thirty photos I took her in this odd situation! A contribution to Katney's «[
Odd Shots Monday]»!!... Have a nice week!...


Rambling Woods said...

Cats love any kind of bag. My cat has gotten caught in a bag handle and then dragged the bag after him while running to get away from it..

New Rambling Woods Site

Small City Scenes said...

Pretty Rita. Is that Sailor Cat?

Thanks for the Happy Birthday. My day is/was Nov. 22. YAY!!!!! MB

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

MB! If she were Sailor Cat, Kuka Girl would have eaten her ages ago!!! LOL!!!!!!

TwD said...

Yeah, cats like to investigate bags, drawers, wardrobes etc. :)

Anonymous said...

Cats, bags and boxes... it's a cat thing.

Rune Eide said...

I have heard about "The rain in Spain...", but "The cat in Spain stays mainly in the Bag"?

PS Thank you for the comment! Yes, the pictures show the Tall Ships leaving Bergen in August 2008. They were taken from my terrace.

Rune Eide said...

Me again - thank you for the compliments! Search by Blog with the keyword Bergen and you will find plenty. I'm glad you enjoyed the stay!

Hilda said...

LOL! Cats get into the strangest places.

My Odd Shot is a Water transport.

Unknown said...

Your kitty is SO cute! I LOVE Calico cats. They have always been my favorite!

Katney said...

It is a wonderful picture--but odd? You must not know cats well. Cats will get inside of ANYTHING!

Richard Lawry said...

Cats seem to find themselves in odd situations all the time. Well at least my cat does.

An Arkie's Musings said...

Rita is adorable. I like her name too.

Anonymous said...

Todos os gatos gostam de sacos de plástico :-)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Whatonearth is kitty doing!Very cute odd cat,

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

It was the first time I saw a cat (that thinks she is a leopard) inside a plastic bag!!! LOL!!!! I only had dogs in my Life!!! LOOOL!!!!