Monday, June 29, 2009

Dia da Marinha do Tejo (03)

(Fotografia de Sailor Girl)
Pormenor da cana do leme da canoa «SALVARAM-ME», do Luís «Rock» da Moita, na qual tive o privilégio de embarcar e navegar pela primeira vez desde que a salvaram. Momento captado no início do embarque, enquanto largávamos rumo à Base Naval do Alfeite, no Sábado passado, Dia da Marinha do Tejo, liderando a comitiva de outras tantas embarcações típicas do Tejo. * A small detail of the helm of the typical sailing barge of the Tagus «SALVARAM-ME» («They Rescued Me»), owned by Luis «Rock» from Moita, also her skipper, aboard which I had the privilege to sail for the first time since she was rescued. A moment captured while we were sailing to Alfeite on the Day of the Tagus Navy, leading the group of other typical vessels.


Small City Scenes said...

Excellent shot. Sailing on a rescued vessel---congratulations. FUN!! MB

Koluki said...


This for you:

Kisses & Hugs!

Dina said...

The barge is in good hand(s).