Monday, June 29, 2009

Dia da Marinha do Tejo (02)

(Photo by Sailor Girl)
I should have taken last Friday off to rest for such an important event as last Saturday's, the first anniversary of the Tagus Navy, which became officially the Day of the Tagus Navy. But ney, it was not possible. So, I went to sleep rather late Friday night and woke up really tired, exausted and burnt from a maniac week doing I don't really know what or what for. So I woke up and had Sailor Mum actually kicking me out of bed (she is an excellent waking up alarm intelligent system), in spite of my protests. But God helped me and I managed to take a bath and all (I even washed my teeth and had my hair done at an amazing speed)! While drying my hair, I shouted to Sailor Mum the clothes she was ever so kind to prepare for me to dress (I only had five more minutes to get ready): my blue jeans, my white sports shoes, my white tennis socks with a pink ball, a white t-shirt, my hat from «Atlântico Azul», my flag pin, my underwear and, of course, my «CREOULA» polo!!! Then off we went from Cascais to Doca da Marinha (in Lisbon, right in front of the Ministry of Finances - Y E S)! We were right on schedule!!! So I was able to run for a coffee (a real one, black, with no sugar added) and return right on time to watch the first sailing barge to arrive at the dock, the barge «SALVARAM-ME»!!! The sailing barges had to arrive before the VIPs, which included the Secretary of State for National Defense and Maritime Affairs (Dr. João Mira Gomes) and the Head of the Portuguese Navy (Almirante Melo Gomes). (to be continued)...
This photo depicts the flags on the mast of the second sailing barge to arrive to the Dock of the Navy, the barge «QUIM ZÉ», another member of the Tagus Navy. She belongs to Mr. José Joaquim Pessoa Gonçalves, who is also her skipper, and was built at Moita in 1986. «QUIM ZÉ» is known not only for its beauty but also for all her flags. These on the photos depict the Portuguese official Flag, the Flag of Atlântico Azul, the Flag of the municipality of Moita and the Flag of the Parish of Gaio (Rosário, Moita).


Small City Scenes said...

Whew!!! You wore me out---but I am glad you made it in time. MB


What a fantastic weekend, Sailor Girl...