Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dia da Marinha do Tejo (06)

(All photos by Sailor Girl)
(Cont.) These are some of the other guests and members of the crew of «SALVARAM-ME» on last Saturday's first part of the cerimony. So off we sailed from Lisbon to Base Naval do Alfeite. The river was quite dangerous, furious strange waves seemed to appear from out-of-the blue, as you may confirm on the following scaring pictures: This first strange wave was heading to Lisbon, on the north bank of the River Tagus. The second, was heading to Alfeite, on the south bank of the River and we actually had to cross it!!! Ah! What an adventure!!!
The third and fourth photos depict the same dangerous waves right after the end of the Cerimony, with the typical sailing barge «ANA PAULA» trying to defeat them, while sailing from Alfeite to Belém, I guess!!!...
Strange things DO happen at Sea!!!
(To be continued...)


Dina said...

Weird waves!
Do you have life jackets on board?


Que ondas estranhas, cá para mim são os espanhóis que andam a estragar as águas do Tejo.
Segundo outros especialistas em assuntos ecológicos este fenómeno é um protesto da natureza às obras do Terreiro do Paço que não vão acabar nunca...
Passam-se coisas muito estranhas no Tejo.