Thursday, July 9, 2009

My very first photo published in a magazine!!!

A MINHA PRIMEIRA FOTOGRAFIA PUBLICADA NUMA REVISTA!!!! It was published on the last edition of «Revista de Marinha», a Portuguese magazine regarding maritime matters!!!... This photo in particular was viewed by the editor [in this post], who asked me to publish it!... Y E S !!!...


Dina said...

YES indeed!
Mazal tov,congratulations! That's a big day in a photographer's life!

Meri said...

Wonderful! I know you're proud and dazzled. I felt the same way this month when my first photo was published in Platform58, an online and hard copy magazine. Remember to update your resume.

CAP CRÉUS said...

Well done!E foi merecido este prémio! :-)

Dina said...

I meant "photographer" as in "photo blog" author. It is hard for us (for me, at least) to think of ourselves as photographers, but hey, that is what we do a lot of!

Good luck with your future.
Indoor jobs are hard, I remember.

almagrande said...

Parabéns, a fotografia está lindíssima.

Meri said...

Start making an artistic resume. List any training you've had (formal in university or informal in workshops). List any photo or art-related society or group you belong to. Then have a category called "Publications." Under that heading, list your inclusion in the advert and cite the magazines in which it appeared with issue, date, page, etc.

If you enter in an juried shows and have jury-selected pieces, include a list of those. What show, what piece, dates, location, etc.

You'll be building your paper trail for approaching a gallery with your photo portfolio.

Good luck (as I say, too shy to approach a gallery).

Jane Hards Photography said...

Congratulations. Beautiful ship too.
I still get excited whenever i see my images in magazines. Hope you get more published.