Thursday, June 26, 2008

Acerca da Bandeira do Atlântico Azul * About the Flag of Atlântico Azul

Flag of Atlântico Azul - copyright Raquel Sabino Pereira, a.k.a. Sailor Girl. All rights reserved. Photo taken by António Homem Cardoso. Bandeira do Atlântico Azul - Copyright Raquel Sabino Pereira, a.k.a. Sailor Girl. Fotografia tirada por António Homem Cardoso. Quem desejar adquirir bandeiras poderá contactar o fabricante das mesmas, Bandeira Sul, através de email para [Luís Costa] (ou pedi-las ao [CENTRO NÁUTICO MOITENSE], que as oferecerá se as tiver). Não tive ainda o privilégio de conhecer o fabricante, mas as que tinha foram-me gentilmente oferecidas pelo Centro Náutico Moitense e são LINDAS.

Hoje escrevo a propósito da Bandeira e do Espírito «Atlântico Azul: O Mundo é o Nosso Navio» ou «Um só Oceano. Uma só Cor. O Atlântico Azul». A Bandeira foi concebida sem fins lucrativos, as especificações técnicas foram brilhantemente feitas pelo IADE - Instituto de Artes e Design, mas quem a adquirir, a utilizar e ou a divulgar tem de obedecer ao Código de Conduta descrito adiante no presente post (e anteriormente publicado neste blogue). Não constitui exclusivo de nenhuma entidade, mas pode - e deve - ser utilizada por todos os que vierem por bem, que amem o Mar, que respeitem a Natureza e o Ser Humano em geral e que obedeçam escrupulosamente ao Código de Conduta adiante descrito. Today's post concerns the Flag and l'Ésprit «Atlântico Azul: The World is our Ship» or «One Ocean. One Colour. The Atlantic Blue». It normally identifies the traditional sailing barges of the River Tagus, such as MOITA, SARILHOS PEQUENOS and SEIXAL, and many others, in their races at River Tagus and other sailing ships along the Portuguese Coast, like the annual races to the islands of Berlengas (Berlengas Cup), promoted by JOÃO VEIGA and friends and the annual races at ALHANDRA. It is also used by many friends all over the World, in their ships and even in their bycicles and cars, as you may check at the following two photos, as an example:

From left to right, BLUE MOON I (from Lisbon), NAGUAL (from Cascais) and VÉRONIQUE (from Aveiro), with the flag of Atlântico Azul.

Another example: the bycicle of [Ricardo Diniz], the first Knight of the Order of the Atlantic Blue.

«Um só oceano. Uma só cor. O Atlântico Azul.»

«One Ocean. One colour. The Atlantic Blue.»

On Monday, April 9, 2007, subsequent to an undue and unlawful attitude from some users of the flag and visitors of this blog, I published a [LETTER TO MY READERS], describing the five pillars of Atlântico Azul. I got the idea after reading an issue of Portuguese Navy Review (Revista da Armada), where I found an interesting article about moral values, identity and memory which inspired me to write a post specially dedicated to my loyal friends and readers: the knights and other global comrades of Atlântico Azul. Many people had asked me what happened to this blog (as I was forced to delete it, after a serious of infamous attacks as above referred) and wished me all the best. I explained that sometimes in life you have to rewind and start all over again to maintain sanity levels to an acceptable point and to preserve each others' identity and memory, based in firm universal values. I pardoned the infractors, for too many times, but the attacks restarted from November 2007.

This blog is meant to be an escape from daily routine and a shield against sadness, loneliness and other less happy feelings deriving from all kinds of mental torture and painful truth. It is meant to put the Happy in our Ness and to try to make us laugh whenever all we want to do is cry or take the next flight departing from Lisbon Airport. It is also a record of daily feelings disguised within photographs, poems and news about the Blue. It is Life disguised within the Fantastic. A mental escape in forms of Art based in five pillars, dedicated to my friends and imposed to all readers and users of the flag:


As I have also been referring along this blog, all visitors and users of the flag must comply with the following MANDATORY COMMANDMENTS addapted from my Friend's [COCHISE'S BLOG]:

  1. Remain close to the great spirit;
  2. Show great respect for your fellow beings;
  3. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed;
  4. Be truthful and honest at all times;
  5. Do what you know to be right;
  6. Look after the well being of mind and body;
  7. Treat the earth and all that dwells thereon with respect;
  8. Take full responsibility for your actions;
  9. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good;
  10. Work together for the benefit of all mankind.

As my Friend "Cochise" says, «...if only people tried harder to follow these wise principles, what a wonderful world it would be»... Well, let's do it!... This is quite an inspiration for me to reinforce the pillars of the Atlantic Blue, so that its visitors and the users of its Flag do not forget.

The Insignia of the Order of the Knights of the Atlantic Blue: «PER MARE, PER TERRA, PER ARIA: SEMPER FIDELIS»

Finally, on Monday, January 14, 2008, I had once again to republish more conduct rules (I will translate them to you as soon as possible).