August 2008 Theme Day: Metal
Where else???...
Please visit the other City Daily Photo Blogs which are participating in today's theme day, Metal. [Click here to view thumbnails for all participants]!!!...
Atlantic Blue. A blog with the scent of the sea breeze and the freshness of the Atlantic Ocean. A place where Dreams are linked to reality, where Happiness is formed like the waves on the Sea, according to the tides and the Moon... ATLÂNTICO AZUL, ONDE O MAR É MAIS LUSITANO. Um blogue com o cheiro da maresia e a frescura do Atlântico. Um espaço em que o sonho se funde com a realidade, em que a Felicidade se forma como as ondas do Oceano. Ao sabor das marés e da Lua.
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Thanks for visiting my blog Sailor Girl. I love boats. My dad had a much smaller wooden and brass wheel on the (much smaller) boat he used to have.
You had to have a nautical theme. Excellent choices.
What a lovely polished bell! Great choices for theme day :)
Very pretty light! Ships fittings are alway so interesting.
The most beautiful Ship's Bell on the most beautiful CREOULA! Everything about that ship is awesome!
I'm glad your photo was aboard a ship. It is only fitting.
Good representation of the theme!
Nice and shiny!
Interesting details of the ship - and shiny metal pieces. Perfect shots for the Metal Theme Day!
*Dancing to your music* and wishing to ring your bell and sail away!!
Thanks for passing by my blog, Raquel. Your choice of theme day is very interesting. What else you can expect from the Sailor Girl? Great pictures! I like it very much, and enjoy your blog!
Clang--clang!! Sounds beautiful. MB
Mezrci d'avoir laissé un message sur mon blog . Votre photo est celle d'un métal poli. La mienne est celle du fer brut.
PS : j'ai des amis portugais à Châteaubriant
:) ooooh, this is some fancy metal.
love the bell but I do wish you wouldn't play the music automatically.
Ah, it had to be aboard a ship coming from you. Great bell!
Lovely lovely lovely!
You should include a sound clip of how the bell sounds too! :-)
Happy Theme Day!
Mais duas excelentes fotografias. Parabéns, Sailor Girl.
Hoje fui surpreendido com o meu BLOGUE DOS NAVIOS E DO MAR bloqueado por alegadas suspeitas de ser um "Blogue de Spam". Será mais uma campanha desvairada contra o Mar? Ou apenas uma nova forma de manifestar imbecilidade por parte do Bloger?
Lisbon, 1 August 2008 - I am very sorry to inform that SHIPS & THE SEA has been blocked by BLOGGER for suspect of being a SPAM BLOG and disrespect of Blogger Practice. I have been noticed that my beloved Blog may be closed in 20 days!
As those accusations are complete nonsense we have requested an official review of BLOGGER present position.
SHIPS & THE SEA readers - and there are between 300 and 2000 every day can help stating their opinions and comments. Those unable to post comments at the comment's boxes below the more recent "Post" can email me at[]
Thanks for your interest and support.
Lovely photo of the bell.
Thank you for your comment on Mumbai Daily Snapshot.
Happy Theme Day!
Ding, ding! Nicely polished bell!!
Imagine if it was your job to go around polishing the brass. I have enough trouble polishing the off bit or piece at home!
Sydney Daily Photo
I agree with Sally; polishing silver is an unpleasant task for me. However, the bell would not fall into that category; it is lovely!
beautiful metal objects and so appropriate for a sailor girl! thank you for bringing these to us.
NOW I AM TRYING TO HELP A FRIEND AND SENT THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE TO BLOGGER:Lisbon, 1 August 2008 - I am very sorry to inform that SHIPS & THE SEA ( has been blocked by BLOGGER for suspect of being a SPAM BLOG and disrespect of Blogger Practice, which is NOT TRUE.
The owner and author of the blog in question ( has been noticed that his Blog may be closed in 20 days!
As those accusations are complete nonsense he has requested an official review of BLOGGER present position.
SHIPS & THE SEA readers - and there are between 300 and 2000 every day - have started helping, stating their opinions and comments.
In what I concern, please note that Luís Miguel Correia and I (Raquel Sabino Pereira, a.k.a. Sailor Girl) are co-authors of important blogs referring to Maritime Matters and to a Ship that belongs to the Portuguese Navy, Creoula, at:
BLOGGER´s atitude has an obvious reflect upon me and my good name within the blogging Community (specially now that I am part of City Daily Photo Blogs - CDPB - with more than 900 bloggers around the world).
Thus, besides fixing the problem with the utmost urgency, we need to know WHO or through which IP's the denounce of Spam was made, to take legal action against the person/entity responsible for that action.
Thanks for your interest and support.
Raquel Sabino Pereira (a.k.a. Sailor Girl) - Editor of:
Atlântico Azul (
Lugre Creoula de 1937 (
Blogue do Creoula na Imprensa (
Blogue da Kuka Girl (
Estratégia Azul (
And many others.»
Thanks, Ann, and I am really glad you too love boats! I love small wooden boats! Thank you too, babooshka AND marley AND USelaine AND George the cuttest Townboy AND Denton AND magiceye AND Rambling Round AND Eki Qushay Akhwan AND Kuanyin Moi (I am glad you liked the music!!!) AND Harry Makertia AND Small City Scenes AND
Clang--clang!! melanie AND Isadora AND Hyde DP
(I will try not to play the music automatically) AND Jilly AND Keropok Man AND LUIS MIGUEL CORREIA (let us ALL fight for the right to have your AWSOME BLOG BACK!!!) AND Anu AND Bibi AND Sally AND Kate AND Tash AND ALL!!!
"Louis" has been so busy with a work project he didn't participate in the DP Metal theme.
"Louis," liking all things nautical, likes your choices for the Metal theme!
"Louis" has been so busy with a work project he didn't participate in the DP Metal theme.
"Louis," liking all things nautical, likes your choices for the Metal theme!
"Louis" has been so busy with a work project he didn't participate in the DP Metal theme.
"Louis," liking all things nautical, likes your choices for the Metal theme!
Beautiful photos! Brass is the best.
Happy Theme Day!
One of the best among the 183 metal shots for this theme day ....
Sailor Girl,
Desejo que os problemas técnicos se resolvam rapidamente. E muitos parabens pelo sucesso do blogue que está melhor que nunca...
Força e continue...
Hellooooo!!! I think Atlântico Azul is back again!!! And I am using Internet Explorer!!! I sincerely don't understand what happened!!! Thank you all!!!
Well... Now I'm having the same problem with Sitemeter! STRANGE THINGS HAPPEN AT SEA!!!
Everything is alright with the blog.
Fantastic metal! Super polished! LOL
O Creoula é sempre o Creoula :))))
Quando é o embarque?
Sailor Girl:
Queria felicitá-la pelos fantásticos blogues que dedica ao mar e ao Creoula, e que tenho vindo a acompanhar com muito interesse há muito tempo. Tal como a senhora, eu também sou (se se pode dizer assim) uma apaixonada pelo mar e pelo Creoula. Já participei em várias viagens, e dentro de pouco tempo embarco novamente. O Creoula é realmente inesquecível. Não deixe de investir na difusão do mar nos seus blogues que fazem a maravilha de tantas pessoas.
Obrigada, mas... Quem assina??
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